Dr. Christoph Stotter PhD

Knee and cartilage specialist
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His main focus is on regenerative and joint-preserving therapy of injuries and overuse symptoms of the knee joint, as well as the treatment of wear and tear diseases of the knee joint.
In addition to clinical and surgical activities, he is scientifically active and incorporates the latest research results into treatment.

Arthroscopic surgery
Meniscus surgery
Ligament stabilization incl. revision surgery
Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament
Rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament
Revision surgery
Patella stabilization after patellar luxation
Tendon injuries of the knee joint
Fracture treatment
Cartilage therapy including cartilage transplantation
Leg axis correction
Joint-preserving arthrosis surgery
Autologous blood therapy (PRP / ACP therapy)
Osteoarthritis therapy with highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid and corticoids
- since 2022 Senior consultant, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Landesklinikum Baden-Mödling (Prof. Klestil)
- 2021 - 2022 Sporthopaedicum Regensburg/Straubing, FIFA Medical Center of Excellence
- 2020 Doktorat (PhD) Regenerative Medizin, Donau-Universität Krems (Prof. Nehrer) "Biotribologie des Gelenkknorpels in der Teilgelenkersatztechnik"
- 2017 - 2020 Research Associate at the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Orthopaedics (Prof. Nehrer)
- 2016 - 2021 Residency, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Landesklinikum Baden-Mödling (Prof. Klestil)
- 2015 General practitioner
- 2012 - 2013 Research Associate, Sports Orthopaedics, University Department of Orthopaedics, Medical University of Vienna (PD Sabeti)
- 2012 Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde (Dr. med. univ.), Medizinische Universität Wien
- 2006 Matura Sir-Karl-Popper-Schule am Wiedner Gymnasium
Knee surgery – sports medicine – regenerative cartilage therapies
German Knee Society (DKG)
Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery (AGA)
International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS)
Society for Orthopedic-Traumatologic Sports Medicine (GOTS)Additional qualifications
ÖÄK diploma for sports medicine
ÖÄK diploma for manual medicine
Emergency physician diploma
Stotter C, Klestil T, Nehrer S, Reuter P. Behandlung osteochondraler Defekte der Femurkondylen mittels autologer Spongiosazylinder aus dem Beckenkamm kombiniert mit matrix-gestützter autologer Chondrozytentransplantation. Oper Orthop Traumatol. accepted Nov 2020. dzt. in Produktion
Stotter C, Nehrer S. Die Biotribologie: Bedeutung in der Orthopädie. Jatros Orthopädie & Traumatologie. 2021 Feb; 6-9.
Bauer C, Göçerler H, Niculescu-Morzsa E, Jeyakumar V, Stotter C, Klestil T, Franek F, Nehrer S. Biotribological Tests of Osteochondral Grafts after Treatment with Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines. Cartilage. 2021 Feb 17:1947603521994900. doi: 10.1177/1947603521994900. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33596661.
Nehrer S, Neubauer M, Stotter C. Operative Therapie des Knorpeldefekts. Österreichische Ärztezeitung. 2020 Oktober.
Otahal A, Kramer K, Kuten-Pella O, Weiss R, Stotter C, Lacza Z, Weber V, Nehrer S, De Luna A. Characterization and Chondroprotective Effects of Extracellular Vesicles From Plasma- and Serum-Based Autologous Blood-Derived Products for Osteoarthritis Therapy. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020 Sep 25;8:584050. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.584050. PMID: 33102466; PMCID: PMC7546339.
Stotter C, Klestil T, Chemelli A, Naderi V, Nehrer S, Reuter P. Anterocentral Portal in Ankle Arthroscopy 2020 Jun 17. Foot Ankle Int. 2020;1071100720931095. doi 10.1177/1071100720931095
Stotter C, Bauer C, Simlinger B, et al. Biotribological Testing and Analysis of Articular Cartilage Sliding against Metal for Implants. J Vis Exp. 2020;(159):10.3791/61304. Published 2020 May 14. doi:10.3791/61304
Neubauer M, Kuten O, Stotter C, ramer K, De Luna A, Müllner T, Lacza Z, Nehrer S. The effect of blood-derived products on the chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells originated from three different locations. Stem Cells Int. 2019 Dec 31;2019:1358267. doi: 10.1155/2019/1358267. eCollection 2019. PMID:
Stotter C, Bauer C, Jeyakumar V, Niculescu-Morzsa E, Simlinger B, Rodríguez Ripoll M, Klestil T, Franek F, Nehrer S. Concentration-Dependent Effects of Cobalt and Chromium Ions on Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes. Cartilage. 2019 Nov 28:1947603519889389. doi: 10.1177/1947603519889389. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31779468.
Stotter C, Stojanović B, Bauer C, Rodríguez Ripoll M, Franek F, Klestil T, Nehrer S. Effects of Loading Conditions on Articular Cartilage in a Metal-on-Cartilage Pairing. J Orthop Res. 2019 Dec;37(12):2531-2539. doi: 10.1002/jor.24426. Epub 2019 Aug 6. PubMed PMID: 31334864.
Nehrer S, Neubauer M, Stotter C. Osteoarthritis and/or Sports. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2019; 70: 169-174. doi: 10.5960/ dzsm.2019.371.
Nehrer S, Engelhardt M, Stotter C. Umstellungsosteotomien und Sport. Jatros Orthopädie & Traumatologie. 2019 Jun; 12-15.
Stojanović B, Bauer C, Stotter C, Klestil T, Nehrer S, Franek F, Rodríguez Ripoll M. Tribocorrosion of a CoCrMo alloy sliding against articular cartilage and the impact of metal ion release on chondrocytes. Acta Biomater. 2019 Aug; 94:597-609. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.06.015. Epub 2019 Jun 18. PubMed PMID: 31226479.
Bauer C, Göçerler H, Niculescu-Morzsa E, Jeyakumar V, Stotter C, Tóth I,Klestil T, Franek F, Nehrer S. Effect of osteochondral graft orientation in a biotribological test system. J Orthop Res. 2019 Mar;37(3):583-592. doi: 10.1002/jor.24236. Epub 2019 Feb 21. PubMed PMID: 30690777; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6594111.