Dr. Annelie-Martina Weinberg

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Annelie-Martina Weinberg is specialized in child-oriented treatment (operative as well as conservative), aftercare and rehabilitation of young patients.
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Sworn, court-certified experts. Serving the health of children and adolescents. As a medical specialist, Dr. Weinberg takes the time to provide your child with the best possible treatment and understandably address your child’s questions. Her goal is to improve the treatments of young patients: less effort for more healing success.
Knee injury
Knee injury
Sport injuries
Treatment of child fractures
Correction of malhealed fractures
Child elbow injury

This includes hemarthros in children, meniscal injuries, meniscal tears, disc meniscus, and hypermobile meniscus, as well as anterior cruciate ligament ruptures, bony avulsions, and ligamentous.
This includes the entire spectrum of sports injuries in childhood and adolescence.
Surgical and conservative services as well as expert consultation for complicated fractures in children.
Professional consultation and correction of infantile malhealed fractures of children.
Elbow injuries are among the most common injuries in children. My range of services includes supracondylar humeral fractures, condyle radials, ulnar and transcondylar fractures, as well as radial head fractures and Monteggia lesions.
- 1982 - Study of human medicine in Cologne
- 1991 - license to practice medicine
- 1993 - Doctorate
- 1997 - Specialist in surgery
- 1999 - Research at the Hannover Medical School
- 2001 - Habilitation at the Hannover Medical School
- 2001 - Specialist for trauma surgery (Germany)
- 2007 - Specialist for trauma surgery (Austria)
- 2010 - Diploma in Sports Medicine from the Austrian Medical Association (ÖÄK)
- 2010 - Assoz. Professorship at the Medical University of Graz
- 2011 - Specialist for trauma surgery and orthopedics
Work experience
- I specialize in child-friendly treatment (surgical as well as conservative), aftercare and rehabilitation of young patients.
Energy, peace and focus – Nature makes us recover, whether old or young. As a southern German, the mountains have also drawn me to Austria. As a balance and to get some distance, I like to get on my mountain bike for an hour in the evening. Besides the conditional qualities, feeling nature is the point where problems seem small or can be solved.
Besides the mountains, water also plays a big role in my life. I swim several times a week – no matter where I am. Another hobby is sailing – there you are carried by the wind. The advantage of water is that I never experience problems with joints or muscles, as was the case with running more often in my life.
Why do children inspire me so much? I’m a fan of this patient group – and not since I had a child of my own. Their honesty and basic trust is gigantic, you just have to grasp this. I don’t know anyone who can be so light-heartedly happy or simply sink into activities if you let them.
It was always my concern to fight for her and her wishes – especially in the hospital. I was then allowed to be a mother myself, which was not always easy in this profession, but I still enjoy my daughter with all my heart and that every day when I think of her.
Overview of the 10 most important publications until 2019
Cihova, M; Martinelli, E; Schmutz, P; Myrissa, A; Schäublin, R; Weinberg, AM; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF. The role of zinc in the biocorrosion behavior of resorbable Mg‒Zn‒Ca alloys. Acta Biomater. 2019; 100:398-414
Srinivasaiah, S; Musumeci, G; Mohan, T; Castrogiovanni, P; Absenger-Novak, M; Zefferer, U; Mostofi, S; Bonyadi Rad, E; Grün, NG; Weinberg, AM; Schäfer, U. A 300 μm Organotypic Bone Slice Culture Model for Temporal Investigation of Endochondral Osteogenesis. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2019; 25(4):197-212
Walzer, SM; Toegel, S; Chiari, C; Farr, S; Rinner, B; Weinberg, AM; Weinmann, D; Fischer, MB; Windhager, R. A 3-Dimensional In Vitro Model of Zonally Organized Extracellular Matrix. CARTILAGE. 2019; 14(8): 1947603519865320-1947603519865320
**Grün, NG; Holweg, P; Tangl, S; Eichler, J; Berger, L; van den Beucken, JJJP; Löffler, JF; Klestil, T; Weinberg, AM Comparison of a resorbable magnesium implant in small and large growing-animal models. Acta Biomaterialia. 2018 Sep 15;78:378–86. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.07.044
**Kraus, T; Fischerauer, S; Treichler, S; Martinelli, E; Eichler, J; Myrissa, A; Zötsch, S; Uggowitzer, P; Löffler, JF; Weinberg, AM The influence of biodegradable magnesium implants on the growth plate. Acta Biomaterialia. 2018 Jan 15;66:109–17. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2017.11.031
** Kraus, T; Fischerauer, SF; Hänzi, AC; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF; Weinberg, AM Magnesium alloys for temporary implants in osteosynthesis: in vivo studies of their degradation and interaction with bone. Acta Biomater. 2012; 8(3): 1230-1238. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.11.008
** Draxler, J; Zitek, A; Meischel, M; Stranzl-Tschegg, SE; Mingler, B; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Prohaska, T Regionalized quantitative LA-ICP-MS imaging of the biodegradation of magnesium alloys in bone tissue. J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM. 2015; 30(12): 2459-2468. DOI: 10.1039/C5JA00354G
** Hofstetter, J; Martinelli, E; Pogatscher, S; Schmutz, P; Povoden-Karadeniz, E; Weinberg, AM; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF Influence of trace impurities on the in vitro and in vivo degradation of biodegradable Mg-5Zn-0.3Ca alloys. Acta Biomater. 2015; 23(9):347-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.05.004
** Hofstetter, J; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Becker, M; Mingler, B; Uggowitzer, PJ; Loffler, JF; Assessing the degradation performance of ultrahigh-purity magnesium in vitro and in vivo. CORROS SCI. 2015; 91: 29-36. doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2014.09.008
** Hofstetter, J; Becker, M; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Mingler, B; Kilian, H; Pogatscher, S; Uggowitzer, PJ; Loffler, JF; High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys with Excellent Biodegradation Performance. JOM. 2014; 66(4): 566-572. DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-0875-5